HomeGlossarySocial Video

Content marketing requires professionals to wear a lot of hats – one day marketers find themselves crafting scripts for video campaigns, and the next they’re fueling ROI via social media.

Social video is the culmination of cross-channel content marketing, bringing the value of visual media into popular networks activated by today’s connected consumers. To some people, social video means the process of producing video content to drive engagement on networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. To others it’s the output from emerging applications like Vine and Instagram.

Video engages prospects much differently than text-only content. With many brands looking to create visual media for their social presences, the introduction of applications geared toward this gain makes complete marketing and business sense. Whether companies prefer the 6-second Vine clips or 15-second Instagram posts doesn’t make much difference to the end user, as long as those files are also distributed across sites that reach wider audiences.

For example, Instagram’s easy integration on to Facebook makes accessing content from the application simple, just like tweeting Vine videos allows users to watch updates within their Timelines.

Since the inception of Vine and launch of Instagram video, users have altered how they share their personal experiences with their unique networks. More, brands have also discovered that social users respond quickly to visual content, so it’s in their best interest to discover how to use both of these social video apps to increase engagement.

Here are a few resources to consider when developing social media marketing strategies for these networks:

Vine the two-way mirror of social media marketing.

Vine climbs past Instagram for social content shares.

The battle has begun: Vine or Instagram for video marketing.

Initial reports show Vine and Instagram are close competition.