What’s Included in Inbound Marketing?

Before diving into an inbound marketing strategy, you need to learn exactly what it is and why it’s so important for your brand’s success.



Inbound Methodology That Works

Inbound marketing is meant to get potential customers excited about your brand. An effective inbound strategy includes various types of content that prove your company is a leader in its field, plus show consumers that creating a quality customer experience is your top priority.

At Brafton, our team is composed of experts in every type of content imaginable, and we tailor our services to your specific needs while prioritizing inbound marketing best practices to get your company the best ROI.

inbound methodology that works
inbound marketing vs outbound marketing

Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

Before significant technological advances, outbound marketing used to be the only viable option forward. Outbound marketing involves cold calls, emails, print ads, TV commercials and more. Basically, it’s something that interrupts what a consumer is doing and forces them to notice your brand.

Inbound marketing works a bit differently. It requires publishing content that is so interesting, consumers want to engage with it. They go out of their way to look at it, and, if it’s quality content, it will lead them to seek more information about your organization.

Our inbound marketing services at Brafton ensure your brand’s content is too engaging to be ignored.

We conduct extensive SEO research before creating your content so your brand puts out high-quality content that is sure to be seen by many.

Client Successes

SEO + Social = More Organic Conversions for Phone Ninjas

Content for SEO and thoughtful social media content are a killer combo if your goal is to boost conversions.

1 Infographic Series, 500 Backlinks for Preply — and Counting

Language is a superpower, and so are infographics.

We Generate 20% of PerkinElmer’s Life-Sciences Leads: Here’s How

More than 150 deliverables later, PerkinElmer continues to see benefits from Brafton’s content.

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Inbound Marketing Services At Brafton

Brafton is a content marketing agency, and there is no such thing as inbound marketing without quality content.

The beauty of inbound marketing is that it can exist in just about any form. And what’s great about Brafton is that we are experts in a wide array of content marketing.

Content Writing Services

Content writing is our most popular service. We produce content that ranges from blog posts and infographics to white papers and eBooks. We’ll write your content in the tone that best fits your brand and drives your message home.

Written content is a valuable form of inbound marketing. It gives your business a chance to demonstrate that you know exactly what you’re talking about. When you become the organization that is the educator of all things in your industry, customers turn to you when they have questions or need products or services.

content writing services
video services

Video Services

Video content is also a valuable part of inbound marketing. There are some things that are better shown than told, and that’s where high-quality videos come in.

Videos aren’t just television ads anymore. Video content can exist on social media, a landing page or an email. It’s an effective way to grab someone’s attention immediately and show them all the things that make your company the best in its industry.

Our video services include animation, commercials, whiteboard videos and more.

Graphic Design

Sometimes, a good graphic is exactly what you need to get your name out there. Whether it’s designing a unique and attractive company logo, producing an infographic or improving your website’s web design, high-quality graphics are the way forward.

Our graphic design team is composed of artists and visionaries that will create the best-looking, quality content for your brand.

graphic design services
social media marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a newer form of digital marketing, and there are so many strategies out there. The social media platform that your brand uses depends heavily on your target audience, and the way you interact with your followers will, too.

Not sure where to start? Leave your social media marketing in the hands of Brafton’s talented experts. We not only create quality posts for your social media, but also engage with your followers in ways that leave them advocating for your brand.

SEO Strategy

Inbound marketing means catching consumers’ attention, and that often happens in a search engine. When a potential customer has a question or needs a product or service, your brand needs to be one of the first ones there for them. That’s why a tried and true SEO strategy is so important to your inbound marketing campaign. Brafton’s experts will improve the visibility of your website and all of its content so your brand stands out from the crowd.

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Inbound Marketing That Drives Results

Content creation is the backbone of inbound marketing. Equipped with our engaging content, your business will climb to the top of your industry-leading conversations.

Your Wins = Our Wins

Our content services are wide-ranging and can suit just about any brand’s needs. The types of content you incorporate into your inbound marketing strategy depends on your industry, target audience and the persona you envision your brand to have.

With rigorous market research, we’ll help you make those key decisions and guide you on where to go from there. We can advise what types of sales enablement content will be most effective for your inbound strategy, and our team of experts will take those ideas and run with them to help guide consumers down your sales funnel.

As a leading inbound marketing company, we have helped countless businesses across the globe boost brand awareness, bolster lead generation and drive conversions with our effective marketing strategies.

your wins = our wins
tracking your success

Tracking Your Success

There’s no point in putting effort toward an inbound marketing strategy if it isn’t effective. That’s why at Brafton, we’ve conducted extensive research on how to tell if your marketing strategy is working. We’ll not only produce valuable content for your brand, but we’ll also help you track its success.

Another inbound marketing agency might hand over your content and send you on your merry way. We stick with you to ensure your inbound methodology is producing exactly the results you need.

Want to learn more about our inbound marketing services?

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