The Brafton Approach to Email Marketing

Why Your Brand Needs an Email Strategy

Email is arguably your strongest tool in your digital marketing strategy.

Chances are, your target audience uses email, and checks their inboxes daily (99% of consumers do). It’s for this reason that 87% of B2B marketers and 79% of B2C marketers use email as one of their core organic digital marketing tactics.

Email is the one chance you have to completely curate the message your reader sees, and then deliver it directly to their inbox. Marketers who utilise email marketing see strong ROI – as much as 42:1.

Personalisation is one of the most powerful aspects of email marketing. You can segment your audience into specific categories based on their past interactions with your brand, on their job title or duties, on their online behaviour, or a vast number of other criteria. This detailed level of personalisation means you can speak directly to the stage of the sales funnel they’re in, ensuring you’re delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

As lucrative as email can be, brands will only see the results they need if they approach this tactic with expertise, knowledge and skill. Your email marketing campaign can only be as strong as the attention you give it.

That’s where Brafton comes in. We’re a full-service content and email marketing agency, and our email marketing experts understand how to leverage this medium to produce high-quality results. They’ve worked with brands in a wide variety of industries, including software and technology, consumer goods, health care, education, manufacturing, finance, food and beverage and many more. As such, they know how to tailor messages to every stage of the funnel in B2B and B2C audiences alike.

What Are Email Marketing Services?

Lead Generation

Email List Segmentation

Newsletter Management Services

Newsletters are among the most popular forms of email content marketing. They provide you with a regular opportunity to engage with prospective customers and increase subscribers, remaining top of mind for your target audience while also providing valuable content designed to build brand authority and encourage commercial action.

Brafton’s email marketing automation capabilities make it easy to automatically reach vast numbers of consumers via email on a regular basis. Your CMS will help you determine who should receive your newsletter, what time, and how best to engage your audience and avoid generic messaging. Using personas for your website visitors and product buyers, including advanced demographics information and details regarding what stage of the sales funnel the recipient is in, you can count on personalised, targeted and high-quality email newsletters that translate to higher open rates, click-through rates and conversions.

Brafton believes it’s essential to find a balance between education and entertainment when creating an email newsletter strategy. After segmenting your recipient list into specific groups, you can easily determine the proper mix between information, interesting content and promotion. This way you can keep audiences engaged without your content reading as overly salesy or extraneous.

Email Copywriting

Newsletter Writing Services

While email marketing automation and overall strategy are vital to achieving commercial objectives, the actual creation of newsletter content, from both editorial and design standpoints, is just as essential.

Using industry knowledge, internal subject matter expertise and proven best practices, your Brafton content writer will craft email content that resonates with your target audience, providing relevant, valuable and actionable information in the form of news articles, evergreen guides, interviews and more. Email newsletter creation begins with the construction of subject lines that encourage email opens, using direct language that provides both a sense of intrigue and urgency. Through the use of automation software, subject lines can also be customised to include recipient names, or industry- and location-based language geared toward personalisation. Brafton content writers are also trained to avoid language that will either turn off potential readers or be viewed as spam by email service providers.

In addition to targeted, high-quality content, the body of emails will be arranged to promote readability, from size and type of fonts used to the incorporation of bullet points to how graphs are separated. Unique CTAs can be inserted along with appropriate photographs, illustrations and videos, providing eye-catching options to break up text and keep recipients from clicking away.

Your Brafton graphic designer can also include elements such as branded header graphics and custom imagery to both engage recipients and keep branding consistent.

Writers and designers undertake email newsletter creation with target audiences in mind, including how they will consume the content, either on desktop computers or on mobile devices. Content is created accordingly, with layout and ease of use, regardless of device, remaining a primary concern.

Email Template Coding

Campaign Strategy Ideation

Campaign Implementation and Automation

Campaign Analysis and Reporting

What Types of Marketing Emails to Create?


Transactional Emails

Promotional Emails

Drip Campaign Emails

Abandoned Cart Emails

Email Marketing Strategy

Targeted Asset Launch Campaigns

Automated Email Messaging and Synchronized Sends

Relevant Drip Email Campaigns

Land In Your Audience’s Inbox

Email is too important to lean on guesswork. Brafton is here to bring data-led strategy to your email marketing program.

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